European Lupus Day 2019
10.05.2019, Faculté de Médicine de Strasbourg, France
09:00-09:30 Registration and coffee
09:30-09:45 Welcoming word (Thierry MARTIN, Jean SIBILIA, Laurent ARNAUD)
09:45-10:00 The 10 most important challenges in SLE (Laurent ARNAUD, Strasbourg, France)
10:00-10:15 Transitional B cells in quiescent SLE (Anne-Sophie KORGANOW, Strasbourg, France)
10:15-10:30 Drug repurposing in SLE (Jacques-Eric GOTTENBERG, Strasbourg, France)
10:30-11:00 Updates in the pathogenesis of SLE (Patrick BLANCO, Bordeaux, France)
11:00-11:30 Coffe break & SLE Networking
11:30-11:45 A new role for selectins in SLE (Marc SCHERLINGER, Bordeaux, France)
11:45-12:15 Update in lupus genetics (Javier MARTIN, Granada, Spain)
12:15-12:45 Advanced complement analysis in SLE (Véronique FREMEAUX-BACCHI, Paris, France)
12:45-13:45 LUNCH
13:45-14:00 Plasma cell targeted treatments in SLE (Reinhard VOLL, Freiburg, Germany)
14:00-14:15 Improving the organization of care for SLE patients (Marianne RIVIERE, association aFL+, France)
14:15-14:30 Drug-induced SLE: a detailed analysis of 12166 cases (Laurent ARNAUD, Strasbourg, France)
14:30-14:45 The pipeline of clinical trials in SLE (Renaud FELTEN, Strasbourg, France)
14:45-15:00 Advances in the management of cutaneous lupus (François CHASSET, Geneva, Switzerland)
15:00-15:15 How to recognize interferonopathies (Alexandre BELOT, Lyon, France)
15:15-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-15:45 Is there a good way to announce a diagnosis of SLE ? (Olivier PUTOIS, Strasbourg, France)
15:45-16:00 What’s the best way to assess Quality of Life in SLE (Hervé DEVILLIERS, Dijon, France)
16:00-16:15 Predictors of fatigue and severe fatigue in LBBR (Thierry MARTIN, Strasbourg, France
16:15-16:30 From NPSLE to limbic encephalitis (Nathalie PHILIPPI, Strasbourg, France)
16:30-17:00 Mesenchymatous Stem-Cell transplant in SLE (Dominique FARGE, Paris, France
17:00-17:15 Remaining challenges & farewell (Thierry MARTIN & Laurent ARNAUD)
Organized by Prs Laurent ARNAUD, Thierry MARTIN, Anne-Sophie KORGANOW & Jean SIBILIA
Registration: send an email to
Program as pdf